We are experts at inventory and merchandise planning, and specialize in digital commerce as well as traditional retail.

We begin with new clients by collecting data to create custom revenue and inventory plans, which reviews historical performance and forecasts future performance.  Each month a planning expert will analyze your inventory status, review sales trends, and forecast future business to help you optimize future purchases, cut costs, forecast margins, calculate markdowns and keep the business in-line with financial goals.

Our experts build loyal, long term relationship with our client partners, helping them increase their businesses over many years.

What’s more, at Chief Planning Officers, your expert planner is an industry expert building your plan, studying your sales patterns and creating a business strategy to grow your business.  In the end, you have a dedicated planning expert on your team, working with you on a regular basis to optimize your business.




Our clients don't hire Chief Planning Officers to provide raw data; they hire us to translate the data into actionable strategies that increase sales, maximize inventory investment, grow profits, and improve cash flow.  We are passionate about helping businesses grow and our results speak for themselves.  Chief Planning Officers focus on inventory and merchandise planning, a.k.a. "the numbers," and we let our clients focus their time and resources on what they do best.  

Customized for your Needs

A La Carte pricing:  You pick the services you need, pay for only what helps your business.
Other arrangements:  In some cases we can offer a pay-for-performance element as part of our compensation, further reducing your out-of-pocket investment until agreed upon results are realized.

Starting Prices

$1500 per month, with final pricing determined by the scope of work and complexity of your business.  
Most clients pay a monthly fee based on an agreed to scope of work that is defined from our no-charge discovery session. 

Included in every package

All packages include a dedicated monthly meeting to review your business.  This ensures a disciplined and regular analysis of business, allowing you to determine your future performance.  

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Step 1 - Discovery session

  • Complimentary meeting to discuss specific needs of the business.  
  • CPOs builds a proposed contract for approval.

Step 2 - Set up phase

  • Gathering of data.
  • Construction of open to buy tool.
  • Creation of dashboard to your specificaions.
  • Customization of reports to suit your specific objectives.
  • Review of all tools and training.

Step 3  - CPOs partnership

  • Weekly:  Clients receive a custom dashboard of new factors driving the business with action points to pursue.
  • Monthly:  CPOs will analyze your inventory and sales trends to create new plans based on current trends, reduce costs, forecast margins, calculate markdowns, and keep the business on plan with financial goals.